WTF Slammer Button

WTF Slammer Button

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There are always those times when you’re left slack jawed with an expression of frustration because really …WTF?!?!

Maybe your best friend stole your girlfriend or that suck-up in your office nabbed the promotion right out from under you. During these times, push the WTF Button and tell the world that something just isn’t right.

You’ll be surprised how many supportive looks and handshakes you’ll get once everyone knows that you’re having a WTF moment.

Let everyone know what you're really thinking with this hilarious WTF Slammer Button!

Wham, Slam Thank You, Ma’am

Is it me or are only stupid people breeding these days? The epic failures of coworkers and others at large are enough to make you go “WTF?!?!” The WTF Slammer Button lets you air your frustration without actually saying a word. They’ll get the point…until they screw up again. Ahhh, you can’t help, but love some high quality passive aggression.


Specs, Features and Bragging Rights

- Bright red button tells it like it is

- Loaded with 10 hilarious sound bites

- Includes 3 replaceable button batteries

- Measures 3.5" x 3.5" x 2"


Who Would Love WTF Slammer Button?

Anyone who’s tired of being frustrated by others’ mistakes would love and appreciate the WTF Slammer Button. They’ll get callouses from constantly slamming the button to everyone around them that they’re not impressed with their work or behavior. They’ll never have to lose their voices or their minds, when they’ve got this gut-busting slammer around.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the consequences of over use?

Other than wrist and hand cramping, it’s possible the WTF Slammer Button may mysteriously disappear or be thrown across the room while you’re at lunch. The perpetrator will likely be the last person you used it on, so make sure you have two. When that person comes by hit the button again and again and again.


Is this something good to have for people with anger management issues?

Slamming the WTF button is certainly more appealing than screaming at someone or throwing them into the wall. You’ll save yourself from getting fired and probably sued as well. The button can act as a surrogate temper which can say all the things you want to, but can’t.

Why We Love It

— Jessi, Funslurp Buyer Jessi, Funslurp Buyer


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