Stud Undies

Stud Undies

$16.75  $9.95
 Sold out 
Stud undies, even if your not one to brag, you'll be thrilled with this perfect fit. Great gag gift!

Stud undies, with XXXXXXXL size front section.

Why We Love It

— Jessi, Funslurp Buyer Jessi, Funslurp Buyer


2 Reviews
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  • Laci . Oct 10, 2011
    The stud undies were the hit of our Christmas party. We will definitely come back and slurp up some more fun!
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  • Devon . Feb 28, 2011
    Got these for my husband to take to my brother-in-law-to-be's bachelor party. He assures me that they were a huge hit, and that everyone there had to try them on...Now, if they only had an elephant face on them, lol!
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