Over the Hill Anti-Senility Socks

Over the Hill Anti-Senility Socks

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When you get older it's hard to remember things like birthdays, anniversaries and right and left. Don't let your addled mind get the better of you with the Over the Hill Anti-Senility Socks. Each sock is marked with either right or left, so you'll never forget which goes on what foot. Sure, bending over to put them on might be a problem, but big deal. You can get dressed in confidence! Its just too bad you can't remember where you're going.

The Over the Hill Anti-Senility socks are a perfect gift for the forgetful friend or coworker who blames their brain farts on old age.

Why We Love It

— Jessi, Funslurp Buyer Jessi, Funslurp Buyer


1 Reviews
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  • Wyatt . Jan 16, 2013
    I took them out of the package before wrapping them up and when my mom opened them, the look on her face was priceless. She thought it was a new fashion trend.
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