Frozen Smiles Ice Mold

Frozen Smiles Ice Mold

$5.95  $4.95
 Sold out 

Uh-oh, it looks like grandma dropped her teeth in the iced tea again. Nope, it's only ice from the frozen smiles ice mold. Do you have a friend that is dentally-challenged or who doesn't make those regular trips to the dentist? Then the Frozen Smiles Ice Mold is the perfect gift. Imagine the shock on his face when he goes to take a drink and sees a set of pearly whites staring back at him. Add a little fruit juice to the ice and you have yourself a sweet tooth.

The old denture cream commercials always showed people taking out there false teeth and putting them into a glass – such lovely imagery. Nothing will give kids nightmares quicker than wrinkly old people removing their chompers. We love the Frozen Smiles Ice Mold because we like giving kids nightmares. Some might call it character flaw, but we just call it good fun.


Why We Love It

— Jessi, Funslurp Buyer Jessi, Funslurp Buyer


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