Coffee Talkies Prank Gift Box

Coffee Talkies Prank Gift Box

 Sold out 
Do you know someone that always needs to have the next big electronic as soon as it the stores? He had the iPhone, the tab and now you can give him a travel mug 2-way radio.

At least, that's what he is going to think.

The Coffee Talkies Prank Gift Box features a realistic product description of coffee cups that act as a two-way radio as well. His face will contort in a mix of fake smiles and pure confusion. Little does he know that it's a total prank and the real gift is wrapped inside this fake if not impressive Coffee Talkies Prank Gift Box.

Dimensions:11.25 x 9 x 3.25

Note: Purchase is for an empty box only. The absurd product on the box is not included with purchase.

Why We Love It

— Jessi, Funslurp Buyer Jessi, Funslurp Buyer


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