Bizzaro Glasses

Bizzaro Glasses

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The crazy glasses look like a pair of eyes staring unblinkingly ahead, and are so realistic even you might be fooled. The glasses have small holes in the center for you to see, but the outer design is a Bizzaro pair of eyes. The difference between your own eyes and the glasses are slight so you will likely get more than a few double takes. Take them to work and see if the boss notices you sleeping during your staff meeting again.

Why We Love It

— Jessi, Funslurp Buyer Jessi, Funslurp Buyer


1 Reviews
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  • Landon . Jun 27, 2011
    When the description said realistic; they weren’t kidding! I love these glasses and use them all of the time. The fact is if people don’t know me, then they can’t tell that they aren’t real!
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